Friday, February 3, 2012


New technology is just amazing! The more we have the more we want! Technology is going so fast and we are getting so slow…

We had, just a few years ago, those phones with a round dial on them. They were plugged to the wall. Then those big wireless phones came out. Later we had the cell phones and now we have SMATPHONES, but if fact, they are not phones anymore, they are computers, I think they should be called CELL COMPUTERS or just CC. I call them CC to make the term shorter.
When you go to Android Market, for the first time, you get really surprised to see all the applications made for android. Many of them are FREE! Some are just $1.00 or around it…. It is just amazing.
The so called Cell Phone is, in fact, an ultra mini computers; able to have a lot of different programs, including anti-viruses, backups, etc.
The assistants are so wonderful and I bet in a few years, when they get faster and more accurate, we will have them all around and as a permanent program on a CC. As a permanent program I mean a program working 24 hours a day. I bet they will be activated even when the CC is off. Just a command and they will be ready to do anything you want; maybe even beyond!
We can find Pictures Editors, Voice Recorders, cameras with pretty nice effects, dictionaries, translators to several languages, magazines, news papers, games of all type and much, much more!
Social interacting via cell phones are increasing more and more.  Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Yahoo, etc. have many programs to help us on this matter. When working together with an assistant them bingo! It is surprising! It is like magic, but actually it is science.
Skype gets into another level when you have it on your Cell Computer (CC).  Now, with Skype, you can have INTERNATIONAL CALLS FOR FREE on the way. My friends from Europe were surprised when I told them I have Skype on my cell.
All this was a science fiction just a few years ago. SMATPHONES ARE MAKING OUR LIFE EASYER! Nevertheless, we must not forget the need to do exercises and use our own brain. Both, body and mind, need challenges to develop or just to keep it in good health.
We will post eventually reviews about some of those great programs for these amazing CELL COMPUTERS.
NOTE: Android is just amazing and according to recent statistics it has less crashes than other systems.